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Why you should hire a sustainability business speaker: Meet Bhuva Shakti

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Today, businesses are increasingly scrutinized for their environmental footprint and social impact. We need champions that speak to the necessity of sustainable business practices, and that’s one reason why you should hire a sustainability business speaker.

The imperative to weave sustainability into the fabric of your corporate strategy has escalated. In this competitive landscape, sustainability business speakers emerge as pivotal catalysts, driving organizations towards embracing environmental stewardship and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) principles.

Among these influential voices, Bhuva Shakti stands out as a leading light of knowledge and inspiration in New York City, particularly for startups poised at the intersection of fintech, AI, DEI, and ESG. 

 Bhuva Shakti is the founder of Bhuva’s Impact Global.

Bhuva is the founder of Bhuva’s Impact Global. As a seasoned Chief Sustainable Innovation Officer at Wallet Max, she brings over two decades of finance industry experience and a visionary approach to technological advancement for global betterment. Her expertise makes her an invaluable resource for businesses aiming to chart a sustainable course in the uncertain waters of digital finance.


The rising demand for ESG speakers

In an era where transparency and accountability are non-negotiable, companies are under increasing pressure from consumers, investors, and regulatory bodies to demonstrate responsibility towards their environmental impact. 

A highly engaging and energetic ESG speaker like Bhuva will not only elevate these discussions to the forefront but also foster a culture of accountability. This will empower your team to harness sustainability as a competitive edge strategically, thus attracting eco-conscious consumers and investors.

The unique value of hiring an environmental speaker for your next event or podcast

Bhuva Shakti transcends the typical environmental doom and gloom narrative, offering instead a blend of deep industry insights, passion and actionable advice. Her speaking engagements are transformative, inspiring businesses to view and implement sustainability strategies not just as an ethical choice but as a strategic move towards enhancing their reputation and bottom line.

As one of the top sustainability speakers in New York City, Bhuva leverages her profound knowledge of sustainability and corporate responsibility to translate complex environmental issues into relatable, actionable business strategies. 

Her dynamic presentations challenge audiences to rethink sustainability and encourage actionable steps that significantly impact their organizations' environmental and social realms.

A woman on a green couch tunes into a sustainability conference.

Leveraging sustainability talks for your business transformation

Inviting Bhuva Shakti to speak at your event is more than an educational opportunity; it’s a transformative experience for businesses at any stage of their sustainability journey. 

Bhuva’s unique approach—encompassing fintech innovation, AI ethics, regulatory compliance in sustainability, and ESG strategy—provides a roadmap for businesses to:

  • Minimize their environmental footprint.

  • Enhance operational efficiency and cost-effectiveness through sustainable practices.

  • Bolster brand reputation and foster consumer trust.

  • Spearhead innovation and tap into new markets.

Frequently asked questions

Why hire a sustainability business speaker?

Bringing in a top speaker like Bhuva can shift your business towards more responsible practices, aligning with ESG principles to improve environmental impact. This is supported by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) findings that companies with strong sustainability programs have 55% better morale, 43% more efficient business processes, 43% stronger public image, and 38% better employee loyalty.  

How do environmental speakers influence business strategy?

The right speaker can profoundly impact your team´s business strategy by highlighting the importance of sustainability, offering practical solutions for implementation, and demonstrating the business benefits of environmental stewardship for both shareholders and stakeholders.

A leading speaker like Bhuva can effectively underscore the importance of sustainability, offer practical solutions, and demonstrate the financial benefits of ESG commitment. These benefits are supported by an Oxford University study that correlates high ESG ratings with 4% lower costs of debt and equity.

Can sustainability talks enhance my company's bottom line?

Yes. Bhuva’s insights can lead to efficiency gains, cost savings, and stronger brand loyalty, positively impacting your bottom line. 

NielsenIQ highlights a growing consumer preference for sustainable companies, emphasizing the importance of aligning your business with these values.  Change starts from within. By creating a culture of sustainability within your company, your employees can better align and anticipate your customer’s needs. 

Bhuva Shakti, seen here, is the perfect sustainability business speaker to help you with sustainable operations

Book Bhuva Shakti today

A sustainability business speaker like Bhuva can be a potent catalyst for change, guiding your company towards integrating ESG principles into its core strategy for positive global impact and uncovering new growth opportunities. Ready to inspire and educate your audience with dynamic, knowledgeable insights? 

Book Bhuva for your next event or podcast.

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